Our Treatments

We strive to provide our patients with the best possible care. We offer a variety of treatments, including foot levelers shoe orthotics, decompression therapy, and adjustments. Our goal is to help our patients feel better and live healthier lives. We are proud to be able to offer our services to the community and hope that you will come and see us soon. Call us today to start feeling better!

Patients We Can Help

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Better Back Company of Michigan

Decompression Therapy

Decompression therapy is a non-invasive treatment that is great for treating disc issues. The treatment invloves you laying on an anchored table that gently pulls you apart. By gently stretching the spine, blood flow increases to your spine which allows bulged or herniated discs to heal. If your looking into having lower back surgery in the future, decompression therapy can be a great alternative or mimimize the pain until surgery.

Common Activities that Lead to Back Pain


Adjustments are perfect for if you suffer from back pain, neck pain, or headaches. During an adjustment, Dr. Brad will apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. After adjusting the joint, pressure and discomfort will be relieved. If you have been diagnosed with TMJ syndrome, we also offer TMJ adjustments. The goal of making adjustments is to improve spinal motion and your body’s physical function.

Causes of Headaches and Neck Pain

Better Back Company of Michigan Adjustment